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Compilation of Essential Web Pentesting Cheat Sheets

This article is a curated compilation of various web penetration testing cheat sheets. The purpose is to bring together valuable resources and tools in one place, enabling efficient access to real-world examples of XSS, SQL Injection, protocol analysis, cURL commands, and more. By using this guide, you can avoid having countless tabs open and instead focus on the most relevant and useful references for web security testing.

1. XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet

2. SQL Injection Cheat Sheet

3. cURL Cheat Sheet

4. OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

  • OWASP's comprehensive cheat sheet series covers various aspects of web security, from secure coding practices to testing methodologies: OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

5. SSH Cheat Sheet

  • provides a helpful cheat sheet for SSH commands and usage tips: SSH Cheat Sheet

Additional Resources

Operating System-Specific Cheat Sheets


These cheat sheets are not just lists of commands you could obtain by using --help or -h. Instead, they provide practical, real-life examples and techniques that are essential for web penetration testing. This compilation aims to be a one-stop source, bringing together the most relevant information to streamline your workflow and enhance your testing efficiency.

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