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Anderson Vilela
Anderson Vilela

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30+ ChatGPT Prompts for Web Developers

ChatGPT reaches 1 million users in just 5 days: Understand the platform's rapid growth and how it is changing the future of AI

In an increasingly digital world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an essential tool for the success of businesses and companies. And ChatGPT, an AI-powered natural language processing platform, is emerging as one of the most promising on the market.

With just 5 days of launch, ChatGPT reached the 1 million user milestone, changing the way we use AI and will undoubtedly change the way we work. The platform has made AI accessible to a wide range of users, including web developers and web designers, thanks to its natural language processing abilities.

With this tool in hand, a new skill is becoming more and more popular - the engineering request. It is possible that, in the near future, it will be more important to know how to solve and describe a problem or a situation than to solve it.

But how to create amazing prompts in ChatGPT? Before you start using the AI tool, there are some best practices that apply when asking questions to ChatGPT, such as being specific, providing context, using dramatization, using double quotes, and giving examples. By following these tips, you can ensure you are using your bot as effectively as possible.

And to help web developers ease their daily tasks and projects, we have prepared some practical examples of ChatGPT prompts. We've categorized them into eight categories, and you can check them all out on the site, and you can easily edit and copy the prompts to suit your specific needs and preferences.

With ChatGPT, AI has become more accessible and efficient, offering fast and accurate solutions to everyday problems. And with the rapid growth of the platform, the trend is that more and more people are interested in the engineering request and AI, transforming the future of the market and companies.

1. Prompts for Web Development Architecture

With chatGPT you can create powerful architecture for your web project, I will list some below and modify it according to your needs.

  • Develop an architecture and code for a website for Javascript Act as a software developer. Create an architecture and code to develop a lawyer website [ with scheduling capabilities using HTML.
  • I'm creating a website for a small company that sells handmade soaps. Provide ideas on how to structure the site using WordPress.
  • Develop architecture and code for a web-based project management tool that allows users to collaborate on tasks and projects.
  • Can you suggest some libraries or frameworks for developing a specific type of application

2. Prompts for CSS

Taking advantage of the platform's natural language processing feature, you can use this feature to obtain more accurate examples of what you need in your project, such as:

  • I want to implement a navigation bar on my website. Can you provide an example using CSS and Javascript? List web browser compatibility for CSS Grid.
  • Give a code demo using Flexbox.
  • Show me how I can create a responsive menu using only CSS?
  • Show me how I can create a gradient background using CSS?
  • Show me how to create a css animation for a button when hovering.
  • Act as a web developer. Write HTML and CSS code for a specific type of web page [ ], with specific features [ ]. ### 3. Prompts for debugging and code optimization

Ensuring that your application is secure is a highly important step in its development. See how ChatGPT can help you.

  • Discover the security flaw in this code snippet of an open source npm package
  • Show me step by step how I can implement HTTPS on my website
  • Show me how I can implement 2FA on my website
  • As a cybersecurity expert. You will be provided with specific details on how data is stored and shared, and your task will be to propose appropriate measures to protect this data from malicious actors. This might involve recommending [insert].
  • Write a secure [ language ] function or module that performs specific tasks or operations [ while avoiding security threats or vulnerabilities [].

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