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Redux Explained: Simplifying Complex State Management part-1

Why we need redux in our react project
Redux is a popular state management library in the React ecosystem, and it can be beneficial in React projects for several reasons:

  1. Centralized State Management: Redux provides a centralized store to manage the application's state. This makes it easier to access and modify data across different parts of your application, ensuring a single source of truth.

  2. Predictable State Changes: Redux enforces a unidirectional data flow, making state changes predictable and easier to debug. Actions describe changes to the state, and these changes are handled by pure functions called reducers.

  3. Middleware: Redux allows the use of middleware, such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga, to handle asynchronous operations, API calls, and side effects. This keeps your components focused on rendering and interacting with the UI.

4.Ecosystem and Tools: Redux has a large ecosystem of extensions and dev tools. You can use tools like Redux DevTools to inspect and manipulate the state of your application during development, making it easier to understand what's happening in your app.

5.Maintainability: Redux encourages a structured and organized codebase. It separates concerns by keeping the state and state logic separate from the presentation layer (React components).

6.Sharing State: Redux makes it easy to share state between components that are not directly connected in a parent-child relationship. This simplifies the sharing of data between various parts of your application.

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