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Best Practices for Writing Clean React Code

Amrita-padhy on October 09, 2023

Why is organizing and writing clean React Code important? Clean code organization is important in React for practical reasons, as well as for its ...
nmitic profile image
Nikola Mitic

Hey 👋 Hate to be that person. But I don't think this post actually can make people write better React code. People need an explanation of why and how doing the above will make our React code more clean.

Somebody mentioned the examples as well. Although not necessarily, even pseudo code can help.

Another thing, we should really challenge ourselves how much of the recommendations we share is truly a reflection of a real case scenario where such implementation can lead to better software and better user experience and how much of it is just a personal preference.

Rule of thumb, if you can't quantify or measure your clean code principles they are most likely your personal preference. Which is also valuable but it's prone to long and exhausting and never-ending discussions about what the clean code actually is.

In any way, I do agree with most, but I also do recognize that our personal preferences match.

Keep up with the good work 👏

elsyng profile image
Ellis • Edited

Some explanation has been given. And I think with or without extensive explanation/etc, developers can still share their experiences and thoughts with each other, and it is very useful. It promotes thought and discussion. Me thinks :)

mrmalik16 profile image
Sharjeel Faiq


sergeypodgornyy profile image
Sergey Podgornyy

When writing about best practices, it would be more clear to have code examples 😉

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Ctrl + A, then Del. Then rename files to .svelte. 😄

Just joking around. Good tips.

grantdotdev profile image
Grant Riordan

I agree with others. It would be good to get some context of:

  • Why it is best practice
  • Offer examples of good Vs bad
  • What are the benefits of each point you make (if there is any maybe also mention the drawbacks / constraints)

As a whole the article doesn't teach or offer any real value. A lot of the "advice" are blanket statements without any real help , teachings or guidance.

I'd perhaps take the feedback on board and add in additional content mentioned above.

rajaerobinson profile image
Rajae Robinson

Great tips! I also recommend much of the same in this article.

olardev profile image
Oriade Yusuf

That's nice....

bridgerbrowndev profile image
Bridger Brown

Are comments actually useful though or do they end up doing more harm in the long run? Creating functions, variables, etc. with descriptive names should do enough and require less maintenance. If you have comments and need to change things, now you need to change the names and the comments. I know this isn't a new take, and just goes back to the Clean Code book, but I thought I'd raise the point.

thomas_kanzig profile image
Thomas Kanzig

Really good guide.

matek075 profile image

Nice content, just one small advice will be nice to include some small code snippets :-)

antonkobelev profile image

Thanks!:) 👍

marcitpro profile image

I'm just learning programming, but this post is great

mickaelbaye profile image
Mickaël B

This article is largely inspired by ChatGPT reponse (more than 90%). I just tried by tiping the title as prompt, I got almost the same response... What is the point to create a post about it ?

elsyng profile image

You can say that for a lot of things, and perhaps for the most articles on Then what are you doing on Just go to ChatGPT instead :o)

mickaelbaye profile image
Mickaël B

I disagree. I think is a great community and I don't think most of the articles can't be generated only with ChatGPT or equivalent because people usually shared real life experience and opiniated recommandations. That's why people, including myself, are coming here. Also, there is nothing wrong using ChatGPT to create a post and I think it is actually tolerated if you at least be transparent about it... just sayin :o)

voko profile image

Sometimes you need to write beautiful code. Sometimes it's more profitable to write dirty code.
They complement each other. It should be possible to combine both methods.
Blindly following beautiful practices leads to a dead end

damian_cyrus profile image
Damian Cyrus

I hear others scream at "dirty code": "Technical debt!" Or "Stop! It's refactoring time!" And see the devs dance happy and the project manager is crying because the dirty code was a bad decission for the long run. ^^

voko profile image

By saving time on unimportant details, you can pay more attention to the important ones.
With this method you will save time or be able to solve more complex problems.

My experience shows that if you don’t go to extremes and don’t hold yourself back with barriers, the work will be easier, the speed will be higher, the quality will be higher, and there will always be time for refactoring.

amritapadhy profile image

can u please explain me why is that so?

deathcrafter profile image
Shaktijeet Sahoo

Sometimes you are just fed up with the project manager and just want to f him up in some way or the other.

Jokes apart, sometimes somethings don't work, and you have to go through some kind of work around to make it work, turning your code dirty (written not using best practices).

Unless the OP is a troll, I would guess that's what he's trying to say.

elsyng profile image

Avoid Complex Component Hierarchies:
-- Fully agreed, as flat as possible. Hierarchies we invent today often do not make sense tomorrow.

Destructuring and Prop Spreading:
-- I'd like to add: minimise the scope of a variable, and minimise the number of variables within a scope.

State Management:
-- I'd like to add: Think "component based programming". Keep everything local (meaning inside the component) and avoid global anything as much as possible, including: data storage, and styling.

Reusable components:
-- I'd like to add: try to make components completely independent of each other. They should not have co-dependencies. Changing one should not break the other. Except for the props of course: that's the contract and the signature of a component.

shahrozahmd profile image
Shahroz Ahmed

Hey, let's say I have 2 components and I want to make a third component using those 2 components, is It also comes under Complex Component Hierarchies.

lovetingyuan profile image
tingyuan • Edited
  • Avoid useEffect hook whenever possible(eg. Use thrid party http request library.)
  • Keep the list of dependencies within reasonable bounds.
  • Keep the number of code lines for component functions within a reasonable range, preferably under 300 lines.
  • Always use the uppper camel case style and the "function" keyword to name components.
matek075 profile image
Matek • Edited

Great article, thanks for it.
Also I could add one more important point -> good naming convention.

mitch1009 profile image
Mitch Chimwemwe Chanza

Truth is react is messed up structurally. Go to angular you will agree that it's better for frameworks to enforce good practices at framework level. 🤣

iharob profile image
Iharob Al Asimi

Keeping components flat and managing the state of a stateful component with hooks and in functional components is not really that good.