DEV Community

Discussion on: Simplify your monorepo with npm 7 workspaces

amos80m profile image
Amos Megidish

Hi, Thank you for this article.
I have a question about the "Apps" section.
once created my "apps" folder and created inside multiple react apps (and everything is working 100%).
how do i "git push" it all(including the new react apps), the git won't upload the apps from the apps folder.
what is the best practice for this, please?

limal profile image
Łukasz Wolnik • Edited

Hi Amos,

I think the reason why you can't push all of them is because Create React App is initialising a Git repository inside each of your apps.

Simply remove a .git folder inside the apps and you should be able to have a single repo for all apps.

cd apps/app1
rm -rf .git
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amos80m profile image
Amos Megidish

Working!, I will need to see how can I manage this with react native apps. you helped me a lot with the start - Thx