DEV Community

Amila Rangana
Amila Rangana

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DevLog #15 - Sprint Retrospective

Sprint retrospective is a crucial event that is held at the end of every Sprint, in the Scrum Agile methodology and the purpose of this meeting is identifying issues with the process, collaboration and finding solutions for those matters. After the sprint review, team mates including product owner, scrum master and the development team should get together and discuss “what went well”, “what did not go well” topics to identify issues with the process and collaboration separately. After that, the team should discuss “why it happened”, “What actions could be taken” topics to improve the process and collaboration to overcome those identified issues.

According to our project, we could use retrospective meetings to address lots of process and collaboration related matters. In the first sprint we followed the “Mob programming” method as our team collaboration method and at the end of the sprint, we could not complete our sprint backlog. Then in the sprint retrospective meeting we identified that issue and took a decision to change it to pair programming. And in the second sprint also we could not complete our sprint backlog and we identified that our estimations should be improved and we decided to use planning poker in the retrospective meeting and we could succeed in the third sprint.

According to my reflection, If we did not use the retrospective, I think we would still be struggling to identify why we could not complete our sprint backlog on time because only we focused on product changes and improvements in sprint review. I think if we can use the sprint retrospective more effectively, we can improve efficiency and can drive projects towards our goal easily.

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