DEV Community

Discussion on: How I overcame my fear of technical writing and landed a job at freeCodeCamp

amiamigo profile image
Ami Amigo

Wow! Impressive. One year brought so much for you! And big up to Quincy for reaching out...and to you for being acceptive of new adventures!

I need to write my FCC article now. I have been accepted as a contributor since January but haven't written yet. Any ideas of what kinda articles are needed now?

codergirl1991 profile image
Jessica Wilkins • Edited

Hi Ami! I am glad you like the article. You can get started writing about your story into tech since those are really popular articles. Especially if you come from a self taught background. People just starting out on their journey like to read about those stories for inspiration. Also, writing about your pitfalls you have had as a working developer is really popular. People like to read stories on people who overcome setbacks and came out stronger on the other side. In terms of technical articles, there aren't a whole lot of articles on Angular, Vue, css libraries and frameworks, or wordpress. There are a lot of articles on HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript and React but you can still write on those technologies. Just try to find an area that hasn't been covered as much. Also, job prep articles are really popular. You could write about resumes, portfolios, technical interviews, take home projects, and the interview process do's and don'ts.