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Amera White
Amera White

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IDK - Memoization & useMemo React Hook

IDK - Memoization: React.memo & useMemo

I don't know what Memoization is or how it works with React.

That’s okay let's figure it out together.

What is memoization in React?

Memoization is a computer science technique that stores the output of a function based on the function’s inputs. This way if the function is called again with the same inputs, it will return the cached (stored) result rather than recomputing the output.

Does Memoization help with performance?

Yes, because of the way Memoization works, by reducing the resources, as well as, the time needed to execute a function. This is especially useful for functions that are called frequently (or expensive 💰).

How can Memoization be used in React?

Inside React, Memoization can be utilized with functional components using the React.memo() higher-order components. The React.memo() function will return a new component that will ONLY re-render if its props change.

This is exactly how the performance of a React application could be improved when using Memoization. You can now prevent any unnecessary re-renders to the functional components.

For example, you are creating list that will hold a large list of items inside:

export const TaskList = ({tasks})=>{  
return (
      { (task) => (                    

       <li key={}>     
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To provide better optimization, you could apply memoization :

export const MemoizedTaskList = React.memo(TaskList);   
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When you wrap the functional component within React.memo(), React will only re-render if the props have changed. So, if nothing is added, updated, or removed from the task list and it remains the same. React.memo() will perform a shallow comparison of the previous props and the new props and re-render only if the props have changed.

React Hook: useMemo()

useMemo is a built-in React hook that lets you cache the result of an expensive calculation. Again, assisting with optimizing re-rendering performance in the application by telling React to skip re-rendering or to reuse the cached value if the data hadn't changed


const cacheValue = useMemo( calculatedValue, dependencies )
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calculatedValue - This is the function that will be used to calculate the value that you want to cache.

dependencies - A list of reactive values (state, props, functions, and variables declared directly inside the component body) that are referenced in the calculatedValue function.


  • useMemo is a Hook, which means it must be called at the top level of the component.
  • If you are using Strict Mode, React will call the calculation function twice (According to, this is developmental behavior to find any accidental impurities and does not affect production)


import {useMemo} from 'react'; 
function TaskList({tasks, tab, theme}) {
 const visibleTasks = useMemo( () => filterTasks(tasks, tab), [tasks, tab]);     
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1) visibleTasks the variable for our cacheValue
2) () => filterTasks(tasks, tab) is the calculatedValue function, in this case the function takes no arguments and will return what you want to calculate
3) [tasks, tab] are the dependencies (or list of reactive values)

One the initial render, useMemo will return the result of the calculatedValue function. After that render, React will compare the dependencies with the dependencies passed during the previous render. If none of the dependencies have been changed, then useMemo will return the cached value. If the dependencies had been changed, then React will re-run the calculation and return the new value.

Additional resources:

Hopefully, this helps to give a better understanding of what Memoization is and how it works, as well as usage of the useMemo React Hook.

It's okay to say, " I don't know"

We can figure it out together.

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