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Kotlin vs Scala

Which one of two programming languages, Kotlin or Scala, will you use as your code’s future leader? Both are based on JVM languages and offer something distinctive to the battle, who’ll be proclaimed “Better Java?” These languages have gained popularity in recent years and can construct sustainable and robust solutions. As a result, most people are unsure which is the best alternative for their projects. This blog post aims to provide complete information on Kotlin versus Scala to assist you in deciding which programming language to use for your project.

Let’s have the comparison between two Scala vs Kotlin:

What is Kotlin: JetBrains began creating Kotlin in 2011. Since 2012, JetBrains, the same business underlying IntelliJ IDEA, has already been open source. It’s a strongly – typed, overall language of programming accessible. Kotlin is a functional programming language with object-oriented characteristics created for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Android.

Kotlin is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language that is a better version of Java. As a result, this language emphasizes compatibility, readability, tools support, and stability. Kotlin uses third-party libraries to enable sophisticated capabilities such as concurrency, serialization, etc.

One of the best aspects of Kotlin is that it enables cross-platform programming, which has contributed a lot to Kotlin’s popularity. It indicates we can assemble the Kotlin sources for different systems with ease. Kotlin versions addressing JavaScript and native code for various processors are also in the works.

Strengths of the Kotlin

OOP Style + Functional Programming Approach: Any programming language that can compete with Java must be FP. More fantastic types and category safety are lacking in Kotlin, but it still has all of the functionality of an OOP-style language with an FP strategy.

Operations of a Higher Order: In Kotlin, the ease of higher-order functions is largely retained. Higher-order parts, for instance, you won’t realize, are features that received a value as an input and returned a type.

Free Expression that is brief, clear, and expressive: This is the part that I appreciate the most. Java is excellent, but the procedural code it demands is repetitive and error-prone. Kotlin allows the user to create code that is brief, simple, and to the point. In contrast to Java, you can get the task done with lesser code lines. The less you write, the less prone you are to make mistakes and expose yourself to faults.

Weaknesses of Kotlin

Size of Extra Runtime: If your apps already are large, the additional execution size of 800KB may be an issue. Due to the larger size of an app, you may see a reduction in the number of installations.

Official support is limited: While Google has partnered with JetBrains to provide Kotlin compatibility, it is significant to mention that Google does not promote the language. Even using Kotlin in Android, autocorrect takes longer than working with Java.

What is Scala:

Martin Odersky developed Scala, an enhanced version of Java, in 2004. Scala programming language is the title of a modular. It’s a broad language of programming with strongly typed parameters. Scala, like Kotlin, allows for both functional and object-oriented coding.

Scala source code can be converted to Java bytecode and executed on a Java virtual machine (JVM). Possible variables, identified parameter settings, error handling, and raw integers are among the features that this language contributes to Java. It also allows language compatibility with Java, allowing the module’s built-in languages to be immediately accessed in Java or Scala code.

The most significant aspect for Java fans is that Scala coding seems almost equivalent to Java coding. You’ll learn about the origins, including both languages, and the principles of each. It will benefit you in understanding the basic concept of android Scala vs Kotlin.

Strengths of the Scala

You write it once and can run it everywhere: Although Scala has been a little hard to learn, it provides a very versatile practice. The code is highly flexible and modular because of the expert use of functional programming principles.
Overloading Operators: Scala does not prohibit you from overflowing operations. You can build as many as you want with operator-looking procedures. However, it would help if you took precautions while using this feature. Even so, your code comprehension will improve if you do it correctly. Otherwise, you intentionally make your code hard to understand.

Weaknesses of Scala

Compilation Time: In the domain of coding, everything revolves around speed. A laggy program is a deal killer. Scala’s compile-time in research initiatives is measured in minutes, as opposed to Kotlin’s attempt to compile as quickly as Java, measured in just a few seconds.

Null Safety Management Is A little less Efficient: Scala makes a solid effort at invalid safety management but falls short. The Option keyword in Scala is the Scala alternative to null security. There’s a good chance you’ll get an NPE at the back entrance if you use this method.


Scala and Kotlin conflict with each other. However, both of them are languages of JVM. In certain aspects, Scala surpasses Kotlin, while Kotlin would be just as competent in others. The critical distinction between the two languages is that Kotlin seems like a better version of Java, whereas Scala is a new kind of Java.

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