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Expo Document Picker not working on IOS Bare Workflow

UPDATE: I HAVE SOLVED THIS PROBLEM (it was a feature bug rather than the library's problem)...

Hello, I have been working on an app for my client which provides uploading specific documents. My previous co-developer uses expo-document-picker for uploading documents and images. When I was testing to an IOS Simulator, it never worked. It is a bare workflow in Expo and it is working in Android platform but IOS platform is not working. I have followed this documentation on how to manage icloud also: but it seems it never worked… I have also included some specific app.json for icloud like I included usesIcloudStorage in the app.json and the plugins expo-document-picker and the apple developer team and icloudenvironment to production… I dont know why it is never worked.

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The output is when you click the button for the upload the documents, it will show the icloud library that you have in iOS phone.

When I clicked the button for uploading the document, it never worked.

I am using React Native

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