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Hacktoberfest: Small changes make a big impact

For my first issue to tackle for realease0.2 I decided to go with something I was more comfortable with, but in a different environment.

I picked up an issue from Telescope that was front-end and a bug. This was perfect because it wasn't too much pressure for me, and something I can start without feeling overwhelmed.

The issue:

Essentially, the header for "what is telescope" had really bad wrapping. Another issue I noticed was that the headers in the readme were not consistent.
Image description

The challenged I faced was that this was in the readme file, and would involve page responsiveness. I'm not too familiar with markdown, and a few months ago I would say I have no idea how to use it. After creating our SSGs I felt as if I should know more about markdown.

The solution

I realized that I could either do one of two approaches:

  1. Change the wrapping of the heading
  2. Change the size of the image for the logo.

After playing around with both of these, I realized the wrapping would not give a consistent solution. I therefore went with the second option, to change the size of the logo.

It was funny to me how a small change from the height and width made a significant difference to how the readme looked - and it was noticeable.


After making my changes, and having my PR merged, I noticed that the changes were actually reverted in another PR. It's funny how open source works. Sometimes the changes we make are significant in that point in time, and then have to be adjusted once more as new content is added. When I first saw the PR that reverted this, I was upset. I decided to read further as to why it was reverted, and realized it made sense.

This is my PR where it changes the height and width from 150 to 100

This is Diana's PR where it changed the height and width from 100 to 130

So in summary, although we make contributions and they work, it should go without saying, it won't always be the solution for every case, especially when adding new features.

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