DEV Community

Aman Pareek
Aman Pareek

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How function is object?

In the vast landscape of JavaScript, functions reign supreme as first-class citizens, endowed with a unique characteristic—being objects in their own right. Let's unravel this intriguing facet: how functions, typically associated with actions and logic, also don the cloak of objects.

  1. Versatility Personified: Functions transcend their traditional role, assuming the guise of versatile entities akin to objects. They boast the remarkable ability to be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and even returned from other functions—a hallmark of first-class citizenship.

  2. A Duality Emerges: Unlike conventional objects, functions exhibit a duality that blurs the line between behavior and data. Yes, you read that right—functions can harbor properties, just like any bona fide object in JavaScript.

    function greet() {
    greet.language = "English";
    console.log(greet.language); // Output: English

    Behold the marvel: a language property seamlessly integrated into the very essence of the greet function. This revelation underscores the boundless potential inherent in JavaScript functions, transcending their conventional confines.

  3. Harnessing the Power: Armed with this newfound knowledge, the possibilities are limitless. Functions, now elevated to the stature of objects, can be imbued with additional attributes, empowering developers to craft elegant solutions and express intricate concepts with unparalleled finesse.

In essence, the concept of "functions as objects" illuminates the profound synergy between behavior and data in JavaScript, offering a glimpse into the dynamic nature of this ubiquitous language. So, the next time you encounter a function in your code, remember—it's not just a mere executor of tasks; it's an object brimming with untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed.

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