What is particles.js?
As is evident from the name, it is a JavaScript library that can help you create particle systems. Moreover, it is lightweight, easy to use, and gives you a lot of control.
⭐ Create a folder :
Inside the folder create an index.html file.
Inside this HTML file create a div with the id of particles-js.
Search partilces.js on your web browser.
(https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/).Visit the official GitHub repo of the particles.js
(https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js).Download these files from the repo or clone the repo.
👉 paricles.js
👉 app.js
👉 particles.jsonCreate a CSS file styles.css
Add this CSS :
- Link these style sheets and scripts into index.html
(The sequence of the script files should be the same).
👉 style.css
👉 particles.js
👉 app.js
Run index file (open index file on the browser).
If still not working properly then watch this
video: https://youtu.be/cUzihD4JBQU
Thank you 💖
Top comments (2)
Migrating from Particles.js to tsParticles
Matteo Bruni ・ Mar 15 '20 ・ 2 min read
it's great
thanks for sharing