DEV Community

Discussion on: /the social dilemma_ of an Engineer 💻

amaljoy258 profile image
Amal Joy

Watched this documentary film yesterday. And I'm glad that I'm not using Facebook for the past 3 years. I'm inspired by the message of this film. We as a developer, must educate people about this. During this pandemic period, I've changed my habit of using social medias and honestly, my daily mobile usage is less than 30 mins. Instead of scrolling through social media apps, I learn new courses, read articles about UI/UX design, which I'm working on right now. I've more time to spend with my family, friends, studies & work. Yes, quitting social media is definitely achievable and it'll make a big difference in our life.

manasp profile image
Manas P

Yeah you are right 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Im also following the same thing (But I use Instagram)

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

I was actually thinking about writing how to use social media mindfully may be you can use that. 🙂

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machineno15 profile image
Tanvir Shaikh

Guess that will be helpful , i use insnagram mostly for UI/UX, creative photo,video editings n follows all tech stuff , then i use those concepts n ideas for my work.
I feels like I'm using it as productive way, but do i really ?i have a doubt .
can you help .

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma

And I can vouche that you are productive indeed. 😅

amaljoy258 profile image
Amal Joy


vignesh865 profile image

Already AI got you. Watched yesterday, seeing this dev post today on fb. The social dilemma.

Same case for me too