DEV Community

Discussion on: What Database to use?

amabe_dev profile image

I am not a software architect, but in my opinion, there is no best kind of database. It depends of what you need to do.

If you have a strict schema, relations between entities and not a huge volume of data, relational databases may be a good choice. (I like PostgreSQL for that.)

If you don't have a strict schema or have a huge amount of data or traffic, databases like MongoDB might be a better fit.

And it also depends on what you need for the choice of the provider. Sometimes a self-hosted database is also a good choice.

diogovski profile image
Diogo Ribeiro

I'm going to build a tool to automate social media posts, so i will need to save a lot of data regarding the posts of each user for each social they have connected to their account. Besides that i will need to have on my server a code that will call my database each minute and check if it should post something at that time ( since they are scheduled per request of the user )

imthedeveloper profile image

A standard relational database will handle this perfectly fine. Postgres is versatile and will handle the use case.

pencillr profile image
Richard Lenkovits

To me this doesn't sound like highly relational data. I think a nosql document database would be fine. But the main question is where do you host or do you have a service provider? Because then the best is to use something your provider already has.
If AWS I would say use Dynamo DB.
If Google then I'd use firebase's document database.
If something like heroku, I'd use their mongoDB plugin.etc