DEV Community

Alexander Girke
Alexander Girke

Posted on

#RedisHackathon - Comics Auctioning System

Overview of My Submission

Submission Category:

Microservice Mavens

Language Used

  • Kotlin/Ktor
  • React/TS

Link to Code

GitHub logo alxgrk / redis-dev-to-hackathon-auction-system

A Contribution to the

Meme Auctioning System

Finally, you are able to sell your comics, memes and other artistic drawings on an auctioning platform.


Item Search

Ended Auction

Open Auction

How it works

How the data is stored:

Most of the data is stored as JSON in various keys and various data types.

  Refresh Tokens
     userId: like "cd63d6fd-3333-4877-9b8f-aab9e24271ca"
     refreshToken: like "c3adfc0d-6eb6-40f7-8663-49896d0c1855"
     expiryDate: like 1662422171471

     id: like "8b0be9f2-3bb0-4972-87c6-423a7073832f"
     start: like "2022-08-07T22:23:07Z"
     end: like "2022-08-10T22:23:07Z"
     items: like ["95069680-670a-40c6-8068-c6cdd2561932"]
     title: like "First Auction"
     description: like "The very first Auction"
     seller: like "cd63d6fd-3333-4877-9b8f-aab9e24271ca"
       amount: like 123.45
       currency: like "EUR'
     isClosed: like false

     id: like "d6118270-8404-4560-bee9-50c32870dd69"
     title: like "Move Fast and Break Things"
     description: like "Move Fast and Break Things"
     image: like ""
     owner: like "735db4d6-658d-4ea6-aeed-d0718e076d6a"
  Biddings: (where key has prefix 'biddings:' followed by auctionId)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

BTW, your Github code’s README file should contain the details as per this template.

Additional Resources / Info

[Note:] # (Be sure to link to any open source projects that are using your workflow!)

[Note:] # Screenshots/demo videos are encouraged!

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