DEV Community

Discussion on: Portfolio advice

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro • Edited

Design-wise, I really like your portfolio, and I don't see any reason why a recruiter wouldn't call you based on it. Sometimes it takes a while to get the calls, maybe try diversifying how you share it or where you apply to.

Some feedback on the code (and again, I don't think they'd impact how recruiters see your page, but it would be nice in general as some are big issues):

  • Routing is broken. I can access the projects by going to and clicking on the Projects link, but if I copy the projects URL ( and share it, I will get a 404.
  • Make the site accessible. There are some a11y issues that should be addressed: low contrast, empty links, screen reader usage is "broken", images are missing alternative text...
  • Make use of HTML5. The site is just <div> upon <div> upon <div>. Make sure you use the semantics tags (<header>, <main>, <section>...) to identify the different regions on your pages.
  • Validate the HTML. Currently, there are a few things that make the HTML invalid: images missing alternative text, interactive content inside interactive content (<button> inside an <a>)...
  • Make the site SEO- and social-media-friendly. Add metadata that will make the site friendlier for sharing: use opengraph, twitter cards meta info, add a favicon...
crfries profile image

This is what I was looking for. Thank you. You’re awesome