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Discussion on: One month with a 3D printer

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Wow! You've been doing this for a while! I'm barely starting and struggling many times :P :S

mtpiercey profile image
Matthew Piercey

The struggle is definitely real! : - }

Anybody that says that budget-friendly 3D printing is consumer-ready with no hiccups whatsoever is likely misinformed. Even the best take a lot of getting used to, but it's definitely getting there. The Prusa Mini looks great, though, and represents even an improvement over my machine.

I think the best way to describe the current state of 3D printing is that it has a fairly low barrier to entry, but the depth of the field and the sheer amount of time and effort it takes to troubleshoot issues or try new things is nearly astounding (not to mention the print times for bigger objects; wow). For the four years I've had my machine, for at least two of them it got barely any use. I got discouraged several times (although in retrospect, over petty things that I was easily able to fix) and it seemed like there were no solutions to the problems I was facing with it.

But then it started to all click. It takes work/trial and error for sure, but oh wow is it rewarding!

Although I honestly think I still have a lot to learn in the field (I've only ever printed with PLA, for instance), I used to think one had to be an expert to be able to use a 3D printer effectively. That is so far from the truth, though. My prints may not be perfect or even pristine, but they work and I'm at a point where I'm happy with them.

If I think up something I need/want that can be made out of plastic (provided I can find a model for it or make one myself), I can hold it in my hand in a matter of hours.

Something that has really inspired me to keep going along the way has been watching YouTubers that like to push 3D printers to their limits. My biggest recommendations in that field are Maker's Muse and Integza.

By all means, welcome to the field!

Also, thanks for your articles here on Dev; I'm really digging the web accessibility series because that's something I highly value as a consideration in my own work. Happy trails! :)