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Alok Patel
Alok Patel

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Understanding HTTP Status Codes

  1. 200 OK: Your request worked just fine, and you're getting what you asked for.

  2. 201 Created: What you asked to be made was created successfully.

  3. 202 Accepted: Your request is okay, but it's still being worked on.

  4. 204 No Content: The request was okay, but there's nothing to show for it.

  5. 301 Moved Permanently: The thing you're looking for is at a new address, and it's not coming back here.

  6. 302 Found: The thing you want is somewhere else, but just for now.

  7. 304 Not Modified: You already have the latest version of this, so there's nothing new to give you.

  8. 400 Bad Request: Something was wrong with your request, but it's not saying what.

  9. 401 Unauthorized: You need to prove who you are to get what you asked for.

  10. 403 Forbidden: You're not allowed to get what you asked for, no matter who you are.

  11. 404 Not Found: Whatever you're looking for isn't here.

  12. 500 Internal Server Error: Something's broken, but it's not your fault; it's the website's problem.

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