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Allan Jay
Allan Jay

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5 Reasons Why Chatbots Should Be Part of Your Business

Chatbots are the future of business, and the future is here!

The increasing popularity of chatbots is finally making way to actual industrial applications. Multi-national companies such as H&M and American Express have begun integrating their own chatbots to various parts of their businesses. The cutting-edge technology is steadily providing more and more companies, the much needed proactive customer service experience while maintaining efficiency.

Since 2017, chatbots have increased rapidly in various industries. The use of chatbots on the popular Facebook Messenger alone jumped from 30,000 in 2916 to 100,000 in 2017. Even the current generations of customers are expected to use chatbots on a daily basis, with 60 percent of the youth already doing so. It is projected that 80 percent of businesses will be using the technology by 2020.

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Top comments (3)

valerys profile image

The real truth! Developing chatbots not only improve customer service, but also enhance communication and increase conversion rates. A necessary step for modern businesses.

ioni_ms profile image
Kristy Poole

Integrating chatbots into your business offers numerous benefits:

  1. Enhanced Support: Provides 24/7 assistance, boosting customer service.
  2. Cost Savings: Reduces labor costs by automating responses.
  3. Efficiency: Handles multiple inquiries simultaneously, improving response times.
  4. Personalization: AI-driven responses tailored to customer preferences.
  5. Scalability: Handles increased inquiries without added staff.
  6. Lead Generation: Qualifies leads and facilitates sales.
  7. Data Insights: Gathers valuable customer data for decision-making.
  8. Brand Consistency: Delivers consistent brand messaging.
  9. Competitive Edge: Sets your business apart and attracts tech-savvy customers.
  10. Versatility: Works across platforms for seamless engagement.

By leveraging chatbots, businesses can streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of the competition.

roboresponse profile image

Exploring the top-rated support chatbots for websites – finding the perfect balance between quick responses Custom ChatGPT Chatbots personalized assistance is key!

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