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type script: hide column based on if the cells filled or not

I have this typescript to hide columns where all the cells are empty. But this doesn't work. Could you help me with correcting it?

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
const sheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
const tableRange = sheet.getUsedRange();
const table = sheet.getRange(tableRange.getRow(), tableRange.getColumn(), tableRange.getLastRow(), tableRange.getLastColumn());
const numRows = table.getNumRows();
const numCols = table.getNumColumns();

//sheet.setColumnWidths(1, numCols, 100); // Reset column widths

// Loop through each column in the table
for (let col = 1; col <= numCols; col++) {
    let visibleCount = 0;
    let bHide = true;

    // Loop through each row in the column's range
    for (let row = 1; row <= numRows; row++) {
        const cell = table.getCell(row, col);
        if (cell.getValue() !== '') {

    // If there are any non-empty cells in the column, don't hide it
    if (visibleCount > 0) {
        bHide = false;

    // Hide or show the entire column based on the visibility flag
    sheet.setColumnHidden(col, bHide);
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