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Alimam Miya
Alimam Miya

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C Programming Language Basics Introduction

In this course, we will study the C Programming Language Basics Introduction and its advantage and disadvantage. So let us start.
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C Programming Language Basics Introduction

C is a procedural oriented programming language (POP). This language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at the bell laboratory. There was a B language before the C language was invented. The B language was developed by Ken Thompson in1970 at bell laboratories. There were many limitations in the B language. And to remove all the limitations Dennis Ritchie developed C.

C language is a very popular language. C language is believed to be the origin of other programming languages. In order to learn a different programming language, we must have knowledge of the C language first. C is a very simple language. There are many languages like C++, C#, Java, PHP, etc which have adopted the syntax of the C language.

Learn More C Programming Language Basic Introduction

The C language was standardized in 1989 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and after that by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

The latest version of the C language is C11.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of c programming?

Advantages of C Programming Disadvantages of C Programming
Powerful and efficient language Concept of OOPs
Portable language Run-time checking
Built-in functions Concept of namespace
Quality to extend itself Lack of exception handling
Middle-level language Constructor or destructor
System programming Low level of abstraction

Advantages of C Programming

Powerful and efficient language

C is a type of robust language and it contains various data types. To perform various operations it has many operators that provide a vast platform.

Portable language

C is a very flexible language. It is a machine-independent language that helps us to write code in any machine and it can be shared between different machines without any change in the code.

Built-in functions

There are 32 keywords in C. The functions in the C program can be made easier with the help of the keywords.

Quality to extend itself

The c programming language has the ability to extend itself. As we all know that the C library is a set of functions that can be easily used and the functions in the C Standard Library can be added which will help in making the code simpler.

Middle-level language

C is a type of middle-level programming language that means it can support both the high-level programming language and low-level programming language. In this, we support low-level programming kernels and drivers. It supports high-level programming system software applications.

System programming

C follows the system-based programming system that means the programming is done for the hardware devices.

Disadvantages of C Programming

Concept of OOPs

C is a vast language but it supports OOPs (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Data Hiding). C follows a simply procedural programming approach.

Run-time checking

In the C programming language, we can not find bugs and errors after every line of code. The compiler shows the errors and bugs after the completion of the code. Due to this, the checking of errors in a large code becomes difficult.

Concept of namespace

In C the concept of namespaces is not implemented.

Lack of exception handling

Exception Handling is the most important feature of programming languages. Exception Handling helps us in the detection of the error and to give a correct response to it.

Constructor or Destructor

C does not use a constructor or destructor. Constructors & Destructors only supports Object-Oriented Programming.

Low level of abstraction

C is a small and core machine language in which there are minimum data hiding and exclusive visibility which affects the security of the language.

What are the c programming basics to write a program?

Here are a few commands and syntax used in c programming to write a simple c program. So let us start.

C basic command Explanation
#include This is a preprocessor command that includes a standard input output header file from the c library before compiling a c program.
Int main() This is the function from where the execution of any c program begins
{ This indicates the beginning of the main function.
/* comments*/ Whatever is given inside the command”/* */” in any program, won’t be considered for compilation and execution.
printf("hi"); Printf command prints the output onto the screen
getch(); This commands waits for any character input from the keyboard
Return 0; This command terminates c program and returns 0.
} This indicates the end of the main function.

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