DEV Community

Alejandro Augusto Gomez Rodriguez
Alejandro Augusto Gomez Rodriguez

Posted on

Looking for CMS backend for your App? WordPress may not be ready yet.

A few days ago a beginning a personal project, an LGBT app. After an evaluating the work load, using a Headless CMS could save me a lot of time, with a high quality and security for those part that need attention as developer but not for a product. Those part I think are:

  • Authentication
  • Users Management
  • Some Social Stuff
  • A Back-office to check data

After reading about WordPress with the new REST API, I throw, "maybe is I use BuddyPress with WordPress and REST API, I could save days of works"...

I'm a Genius

Well... that only for a few seconds.

WordPress has a big problem with REST API, Authentication Sucks, is not out of the box, you need to do some configurations, there not difficult at all but still a few thing broken a lot. There is no Registration API so you need to added too. At the end is more work on a simple begin stage.

But is not a WordPress problem, most of the Headless CMS I checked, are more focus on Publishing than offer some like BaaS replacement.

Did you know any CMS as Baas? Comment below!

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