Without trying to start any more hype for Deno today, I'm just going to show an example of doing a HTTP call with this shiny new tool.
Show me the code
import { soxa } from 'https://deno.land/x/soxa/mod.ts'
const welcomeText = "Welcome to Deno.. a random joke is being prepared for you...";
console.log(`\n ${welcomeText} \n`);
async function fetchData() {
const result = await soxa.get('https://api.icndb.com/jokes/random');
console.log(`${result.data.value.joke} \n`);
} catch (err) {
In the JS ecosystem we have been spoiled with tools where we can try our code straightaway, and you can do this with Deno today using a sandbox:
So just copy-paste the code above in the Repl.it sandbox, click run, and enjoy.
We live some troubled times, so hopefully a Chuck Norris joke will put a smile on your face.
More interesting reads:
Top comments (4)
Great post, succinct and straight to the point, thanks!
Did they name the http client "soxa" ?
Rings a bell? π
It's a community package, so not really "the" way to do it.
Anyone can add third party modules and they appear here if you add them to their DB (it's pretty straight forward):