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Discussion on: Why Rust is a great language to learn

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop • Edited

Yes, it is very sad that Mozilla had to lay off so many people lately, but I still think it's a good company that will succeed long term.

I like that their business model also focuses on developer tools and dev documentation.

youroff profile image
Ivan Yurov

Oof... I'm not so optimistic. They basically slaughtered whole MDN team, doesn't look that their business model has anything to do with dev docs. :(

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alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

I guess time will tell, from what I read MDN will still be around and worked on, but there are no clear steps on how they will move forward yet.

While Mozilla is not a tech giant - they are still around, they don't seem to go anywhere, and I appreciate them for building Rust, among other things.

In the article that's why I'm also mentioning Microsoft - that's a huge company investing in Rust for their pretty critical systems.