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Alen Varazdinac
Alen Varazdinac

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My first launch on Product Hunt


After losing my job as a frontend developer on 1st of April I decided it is a perfect moment to start creating something on my own. Firstly I decided to offer coaching to other developers and after that web development services to businesses. Neither of those didnt go well, because I didn't really wanted to spend my time getting leads and then going on calls with those leads. What I wanted to do is to create applications that will be used by other people. But I was always intimitated to release on Product Hunt and to share my application everywhere because I am aware that a lot of other applications created are much better than mine. Until I stumbled upon videos of a SaaS maker Marc Lou, which motivated me to launch an application on Product Hunt no matter what. That was the perfect timing with my current unemployeed situation. And I got the app idea from Marc Lou, he is the one who shared the idea publicly on his Twitter/X account.

So here we go, I am more than happy to announce that my application Bento Highlights is currently launched on Product Hunt and it is waiting for your votes and feedback. (6.6.2024.)
Product Hunt Launch

Bento Highlights lets you showcase your milestones with style. Create beautiful visuals that reflect your brand's progress and engage your audience. Perfect for startups, businesses, and influencers aiming to fascinate their followers.

Application has a free plan so feel free to test it out.
Bento Highlights

If you are willing to spare some of your time to go and vote for my Product Hunt launch, thank you a lot, it means a world to me in my current situation.
If not, no harm, thank you for reading this.

Thank you,

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