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IntelliMuse AI assistant for techs

IntelliMuse is here!

This is AI assistance with personality which can be accessed via Text on website or Voice with the iPhone app.

Freddy Fullstack is the muse to help programmers. He's not a great code assistant (yet), but he is very useful for us techs.

IntelliMuse is using the latest OpenAI 4o with Assistant mode. What this means is all Muses in IntelliMuse remember your past conversations.

Implication: you can tell Freddy your tech stack and he remembers. For example, tell him once "I'm using PHP version 8.1 and jQuery 3.6.3 with MaterializeCSS version 2.0.3". Then later when you are requesting assistance with any PHP, JavaScript or HTML/CSS he will remember your tech stack.

If you work on multiple tech stacks for different clients you could tell him that as well. "When I say I'm working for the ABC client, then I'm using this tech stack..."

Honestly, I've seen Freddy write bad code. Personally I don't use him to write complicated code for me. However here are some things I do use his help for and he's been extremely useful in these areas:

  • I'm using SourceTree for GIT access and need to know how to do ...
  • In PHP give me the code to replace double asterisks surrounding text with HTML to bold the text like $pgText = 'make this bold for me.'; should become $pgText = 'make this bold for me.';
  • Help me debug these AWS errors I am receiving from my .sh scripts.
  • What are best practices for ...
  • I'm interested in a new tech tool to do XYZ. Here are the ones I'm considering... Give me the pros and cons on each.
  • In Google Sheets I need to do this... how do I do that?
  • What is the best HTML to use to allow people coming to my website and listen to a WAV file named wtkPodcast.wav?
  • Here's my PHP code to remove emojis from a string. It is missing these types of emojis (...). Please fix the code.

Plus of course he's the best to ask those questions that you do not want to admit to your peers you don't know the answers to. The basics which you know you should know, but you don't want to spend the time to Google search and read about. He can answer and summarize, then go into deeper discussion if you request.

Freddy can definitely write code and for short requirements it works quite well. But for longer code requirements I have seen stupid mistakes like not keeping case sensitivity within variable names. That was with OpenAI version 3.5 and 4o seems to be better but still not perfect. In the future, if there is demand, I'll build a full coding assistant which will require using a different AI API and will take some time. Let me know in the comments if you think this would be worthwhile or not.

Currently IntelliMuse is free. In the future it may be monetized, but for now it's 100% free and we're just looking for feedback. There are lots of non-tech Muses as well, one for gardening, travel tips, existentialist conversations, gamer tips, etc. Plus you can create your own custom Muse.


iPhone app

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