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Aldo Vázquez
Aldo Vázquez

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Lighter Docker images

Sometimes, using a custom Dockerfile results in massive images, and, yes, they are a bunch of layers that will reproduce an isolated environment, their huge size makes sense.

Today, I am going to show you a way to save many space with a simple and cool Docker trick.


When it comes to create a custom image, you will need to write a Dockerfile, as you might know, each sentence in your file represents a new layer, let’s see a quick example.

FROM ubuntu:latest # Pulls latest ubuntu image

RUN apt update # Updates apt repositories
RUN apt install figlet # Installs figlet

CMD ["figlet", "-c", "Hello from dockerized ubuntu!"]
 # Runs!
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If you try to build and run the previous Dockerfile

docker build -t hello .
docker run hello
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The output will be something like

Docker run hello output

Well, the output is pretty, but let’s see how much space does my hello image use.

docker image ls
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The output is

hello        latest    3d0b79dcdd1f   10 minutes ago   109MB
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109MB to print a hello world in my console using Ubuntu, this is actually huge, now, think about how much space a real-life application Docker image will use.

Single-stage Dockerfile

For this example, we will use a super simple Go REST API, the code is already done, and you can find it here.
Since the scope of this blog post is how to reduce the size of your Docker images, I will not explain the Go code, but I promise to create a post about that in the future.

In the repository for this post you will find two Dockerfiles, let’s take a look at Dockerfile first

FROM golang:latest

WORKDIR /server
COPY . .

RUN go mod download
RUN go build -o server .

CMD ["./server"]
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The image built from this Dockerfile will

  1. Pull the latest golang Docker image
  2. Create a directory named /server and change the context to it
  3. Copy all the files in the current directory into our container
  4. Execute go mod download to install all the project’s dependency
  5. Execute go build -o server . To build the app and rename the bin to server
  6. Finally, execute the server binary every time we run a container from this image

Quite straightforward, right? Let’s build the image and take a look at the size, for this you can run the following commands.

docker build -t GoServer .
docker image ls
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The output should be something similar to

hello        latest    3d0b79dcdd1f   12 minutes ago   109MB
GoServer     latest    34e3ad5acd86   21 minutes ago   1.02GB
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1.02GB is being used to isolate my server environment, it can be shocking, but let’s take a look at what it contains.

  • All my project dependencies
  • All Go dependencies
  • A lightweight Linux distro
  • The code of my app
  • The final binary of my app

So, it actually stores many things that we only use once, for example, since I already compiled my project, maybe storing all the dependencies is actually unnecessary, just as all the code of my app, and all the Go dependencies.

Then, we can get rid of some items of the above list and keep it like

  • All my project dependencies
  • All Go dependencies
  • A lightweight Linux distro
  • The code of my app
  • The final binary of my app

But, how do we achieve this?

For this, Docker actually has a solution, a different strategy of building Dockerfiles, splitting them in STAGES to reduce the quantity of layers.

Multi-stage Dockerfiles

In the project’s repository you have another Dockerfile, called Dockerfile.multi the extension .multi is not actually necessary, I just used it to differentiate it from the previous Dockerfile, let’s take a look at it

# Build stage
FROM golang:latest AS builder

WORKDIR /build
COPY . .
RUN go mod download

RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o server .

# Run stage
FROM alpine:latest

WORKDIR /server
COPY --from=builder /build/server .

CMD ["./server"]
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It might look really complex, since it uses FROM twice, but it is actually smaller and easier to read (with practice).

What will this Dockerfile do when we build the image?

  1. Pull latest golang Docker image and give it the builder alias
  2. Create a directory named /build and change the context to it
  3. Copy all the files in the current directory into our container
  4. Execute go mod download to install all the project’s dependency
  5. Execute go build -o server . To build the app and rename the bin to server, with some GO FLAGS enabled to make our binary executable in different environments.

Ok, we will take a break here, at this point in the Dockerfile

  • We copied the code
  • Installed the project dependencies
  • Compiled our project Many of the files that we want to get rid of were used in this First stage, named builder.

Ok, ready? Let's see the Second stage.

  1. Pull latest alpine Docker image, a lightweight linux distro
  2. Create a directory named /server and change the context to it
  3. Copy the final binary server extracted from the previous builder stage, we do this using the from= key argument
  4. Finally, execute the server binary

It was a longer road, but it worths it, let’s see the space used by our images using the same two commands as before, with a couple of modifications.

docker build -t GoLight -f Dockerfile.multi .
docker image ls
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And, the output is

hello        latest    3d0b79dcdd1f   12 minutes ago   109MB
GoServer     latest    34e3ad5acd86   21 minutes ago   1.02GB
GoLight      latest    309467e3d24e   6 minutes ago    17.5MB

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It worked! Now our server image uses only 17.5MB even less than the hello image, but why?

Multistage Dockerfiles allows us to extract files and data from specific points on the creation of our images.

Therefore, we can get rid of many unnecessary things and save a lot of disk space without sacrificing functionality.

Don’t believe me? Let’s take a brief look at the execution of a container using each image.

We will use the heavier image first

docker run -p 8080:8080 GoServer:latest
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This container then, creates a web server and starts to listen at :8080, currently our API only has one endpoint, so let’s perform a GET request to

curl -X GET
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And the output should be the next one

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Alabaster",
        "artist": "Foals",
        "album": "Total Life Forever"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Bravery",
        "artist": "Human Tetris",
        "album": "River Pt. 1"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Lately",
        "artist": "Metronomy",
        "album": "Metronomy Forever"
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Paranoid Android",
        "artist": "Radiohead",
        "album": "OK Computer"
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Ok! The heavy container is working properly and using 1.02GB of my disk, now let’s try the same using the lighter image (Remember to stop the current container)

docker run -p 8080:8080 GoLight:latest
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This command will create a container but using the lighter image this time, the behavior is the same; therefore, we can perform the same GET request.

curl -X GET
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And the output is the same as before, give it a try!


Docker is a great tool and widely used in the market these days, although it has some disadvantages.

Of course, massive images are still lighter than virtual machines, but we can use Docker in a better way to exploit its full potential.

Multistage Dockerfiles work better with compiled languages, since you can use a stage for build and compile and another to actually execute the binary, yet this is not a limitation.

Please stay tuned for more Docker posts!

Top comments (2)

sfritsch09 profile image
Sebastian Fritsch

Nice one 🐳
NextJS Example makes totally sense now!

aldorvv__ profile image
Aldo Vázquez

Glad it's clearer now!