DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your team's cross-platform setup?

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Wow, Docker is pretty hard to setup. Is it really that complicated to get started? I can't even get the example to get running without permission issues lol.

bencehornyak profile image
Bence Hornyak

It shouldn't be hard to set up. The only tricky stuff to do is permissions as you mentioned.
In windows under shared drives you have to enable your drive with username, password pairs, after that restart docker. To test run the example command shown.
In unix systems you have to add yourself to docker group.
If you still have problems feel free to send a DM on twitter

Thread Thread
alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Am I going crazy or is there a required step to logout your current session for Docker to install and run correctly? I was able to make it work(?) after a quick login/logout lmao