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High Order Components (React)

When will be it be useful to use a high order components in react?

Top comments (4)

sargalias profile image
Spyros Argalias

They're useful for reusing logic.

For the sake of example, imagine that we have two different views for blog posts, but we get their data in the same way.

Instead of duplicating the logic for both views, we could have the logic in a higher order component and pass in whichever of the two views we wanted.

const withBlogPostData = (WrappedComponent) => {
  const Component = (props) => {
    const blogPostData = 'foo'; // stuff to get blog post data
    return <WrappedComponent blogPostData={blogPostData} {...props} />;
  return Component;

// then somewhere else
const DisplayBlogPost = withBlogPostData(BlogPostView1); // or withBlogPostData(BlogPostView2)
return <DisplayBlogPost />;

Another thing is that higher order components can be stacked. We could do withFoo(withBar(withBlogPostData(BlogPostView1))); and it would work just fine. Obviously BlogPostView1 would need to be coded correctly to use all the props it would receive.

However these days we tend to use React custom hooks instead.

const BlogPostView1 = props => {
    const blogPostData = useBlogPostData(); // this is a custom react hook
    // return JSX here
const BlogPostView2 = props => {
    const blogPostData = useBlogPostData(); // this is a custom react hook
    // return JSX here

Obviously I'm simplifying the example by not including useEffect or componentDidMount, but I hope the explanation still comes through.

albertdugba profile image

So in cases of error handling, am sure it can useful then. will try and implement it. Thank you.

kildareflare profile image
Rich Field

I've just finished reading this post which describes HOC and some alternative approaches to reusing components.

albertdugba profile image

Thank you. will check it out