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Alankrita Mohapatra
Alankrita Mohapatra

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Mastering Frontend Performance: Harnessing the Power of Caching

Caching is a powerful technique used in frontend development to improve performance by storing and reusing previously fetched data or computed results. This can significantly reduce the need to make redundant API calls or expensive computations, thereby enhancing the user experience. Here are the most efficient ways you can effectively use caching to render data in the UI:

Client-Side Data Caching with Memoization:

• Description: Memoization is a technique where the results of expensive function calls are cached so that subsequent calls with the same inputs can return the cached results instead of recalculating them. This is particularly useful for optimizing rendering in React or other frontend frameworks.

• Implementation: Use libraries like memoize-one or build custom memoization functions to cache API responses or computed data. This can prevent unnecessary re-renders and improve the performance of UI components.

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HTTP Caching with Cache-Control Headers:

• Description: HTTP caching leverages cache control headers (Cache-Control, ETag, Last-Modified, etc.) to control how responses from APIs are cached by browsers and proxies. This approach ensures that subsequent requests for the same resource can be served from the cache without hitting the server again, thereby reducing latency and server load.

• Implementation: Set appropriate cache control headers in API responses to specify caching policies such as max-age (time duration the response can be cached), no-cache (force revalidation with the server), and no-store (do not cache the response at all).

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useMemo is used to memoize the result of a function. It will recompute the memoized value only when one of its dependencies changes. This is particularly useful for expensive calculations that should not run on every render.

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useCallback is used to memoize a callback function. It returns a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed. This is useful when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders.

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Why is it relevant to store and use Cache?
Storing and using cache is relevant in software development, especially in frontend and backend systems, for several important reasons:

  1. Performance Optimization
  2. Reduced Latency
  3. Scalability
  4. Improved User Experience
  5. Cost Efficiency
  6. Offline Availability
  7. Reliability and Resilience
  8. Consistency and Concurrency

How does it work?
The mechanism and flow of data cached and used is well explained below in the image.

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Using caching in frontend development speeds up your website, helps it handle more users, and saves money. It makes your site faster and more reliable, even when the internet connection is not great. By caching data on the user's browser, using HTTP caching for server responses, and leveraging service workers for offline access, developers can create websites that are fast, responsive, and work well in different network conditions. Caching is essential for creating great user experiences in modern web development.

Top comments (5)

matin_mollapur profile image
Matin Mollapur

hey, great article on caching! i really liked how you broke down different techniques like memoization and http caching. it's super helpful for frontend devs looking to boost performance. the usememo and usecallback explanations were spot on too. thanks for sharing these tips, they'll definitely come in handy for my next project!

alankrita1998 profile image
Alankrita Mohapatra

Hey, thanks.
Happy to be helpful : )

matin_mollapur profile image
Matin Mollapur


crown_code_43cc4b866d2688 profile image

The reason why some web developers find it difficult and struggles in the space can simply be traced to proverb 22:29 "show me a man skillful in his business he shall stand before kings and not obscure men". Amplified precisely.

Yeah you have a skill(web development) bravo, but ask yourself are you skillful in that skill. Skillfulness is the subtle or imaginative ability in inventing, devising, or executing something. Remember the only criteria to stand before kings(professionals, Top leaders etc) is being skillful at what you do(web development).

Do you know what? "Skillful people only become useful and successful when they are relevant". Are you current with market trend and technologies? "When you are not current you become outdated making you irrelevant". So if you decide to become skillful ensure you are relevant as a web developer.

"When you are not relevant you become a servant, and relevancy comes by intentionality and intentionality starts with a change of mentality"

You must be intentional about being relevant, pay the price, take courses, practice, strive harder to become the best at what you do.

I hope I inspire somebody, and if you have question for me let me know. Do follow me for more inspiring and learning post, dont worry we will grow together.
I am CrownCode

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