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Akshit Arora
Akshit Arora

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Top 5 things a Framework is NOT responsible for!

We often complain that an XYZ framework is slow, made my application crappy, or even claim that the Framework won't be able to handle the high traffic! So, is a framework guilty for the allegations we put on it?

We always use Programming Frameworks to make development an easy job. But we must understand that frameworks are here to make our job easy, that's it. So, let us understand what framework is NOT responsible for.

1. Security

Yes, Frameworks do provide security at various points like making your files inaccessible directly and sanitising inputs. But, ultimately it's our responsibility to make sure everything remains secure. Making folder permissions to 777 or Disabling security features of Framework just because iT's aNnOyInG! 🙄 will lead your application to destruction no matter what cutting-edge framework you use! 🤷‍♂️

2. Application Speed

Application speed depends on the System on which the application is loaded, the traffic on the system and how optimised your code/database is to handle the traffic/host. Even the benchmark tests give you a response speed in milliseconds. If your application is taking 2 minutes to load the page, it's you! Not the framework.

3. Optimisation

There's a Kaplan's law:

Give a boy a hammer and everything he meets has to be pounded

Frameworks provide you with a lot of tools. That doesn't mean that you have to use them all to get your things done! If the new shiny feature you are using is taking a lot of resources, just skip it. Not every feature is worth using. It depends on your problem statement. True optimisation lies only in using the right method at the right moment.

4. Extensibility

Writing extensible apps are totally in the hands of the developer. Frameworks always provide extensibility out of the box. That is why we can build our code on them. But we have to make sure that whatever we are building, must be extensible. Pro-Tip: To excel in creating extensible applications, get your basics of OOPs cleared and practice SOLID principles.

5. Errors and exceptions

Frameworks can provide you with great debugging and testing tools. But, It is we, the developers who have to make sure that our code has no errors and all the possible exceptions are properly managed.

So, if you're ditching a framework because of any of the above-mentioned issues, think again...

Happy Coding!

Top comments (3)

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa • Edited

This is parenting mistakes! 🤣😂😹

For everyone, if you want to learn the basics it seems like you need to embrace clutter first so you can organize it more neatly.

The Art Of Messy Code Article's Series

raddevus profile image

Those are some good and interesting points about frameworks.
What I see more often is that a framework (like React for example) gets depended upon without any thought about if there might be something better. We must use the proper tool, even if it means learning something new.

I've used a lot of tools over the years and I haven't always liked them. PERL instantly jumps to mind here. It was ugly but it was the proper tool for the situation (large 5GB text file parsing).
If you get a chance, would you read my latest article here on Software Developer, Are You Just A Hammer?

akshitarora profile image
Akshit Arora

So true. Your blogpost just shows what a dev should be! Great article!