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Akshara Chandran
Akshara Chandran

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Different phases of STLC

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The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) consists of several phases, each with its own set of activities and objectives.
Here are the typical phases of the STLC:

Requirement Analysis: In this phase, the testing team analyzes the requirements documents to understand the scope of testing, identify testable requirements, and determine the testing approach. Testers collaborate with stakeholders to clarify ambiguities and define acceptance criteria.

Test Planning: Test planning involves creating a detailed test plan that outlines the testing strategy, objectives, scope, resources, schedule, and deliverables. It also includes defining test environments, test data requirements, and risk management strategies. The test plan serves as a roadmap for the testing effort.

Test Design: In this phase, test cases are designed based on the requirements and test scenarios identified during requirement analysis. Test cases include steps to be executed, expected results, and any necessary test data. Test cases should cover both positive and negative test scenarios.

Test Environment Setup: Setting up the test environment involves configuring the hardware, software, and other necessary infrastructure to conduct testing. This may include installing and configuring the application under test, setting up test databases, and establishing connections to external systems or services.

Test Execution: Test execution involves running the test cases in the test environment and verifying the actual results against the expected results. Testers execute both manual and automated tests, report defects, and collect data on test coverage and execution status. Test execution may be iterative, with multiple test cycles conducted to validate different aspects of the software.

Test Closure: The test closure phase marks the end of the testing process for a specific release or project. It involves completing any remaining testing activities, such as finalizing test documentation, archiving test artifacts, and conducting lessons learned sessions to identify areas for improvement in future testing efforts.

These phases of the STLC are typically iterative and may overlap or repeat throughout the software development life cycle to ensure thorough testing coverage and quality assurance.

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