DEV Community

Discussion on: Developer Interview Bloopers

akolybelnikov profile image
Andrey Kolybelnikov • Edited

I have got an interview at AWS in a week. And although it was me who had applied, and as I read my own CV over and over again I see it’s all true, I can’t help feeling like a total imposter. It feels like the force have left me and I’m freaking out. Learn everything anew? But where’s the bulk of knowledge I had accumulated and where’s my confidence?

wstocker profile image
Wendy Stocker

I have been there! Most people that really know their stuff feel this way, trust me. There's really no other career that completely 100% relies on your cognitive abilities, and being confronted with the failure of those on a daily basis as much as being a Programmer. It's a tough job and you have to be smart to do it! If you made it this far you can do it! Now you just have to convince them of what's on paper.

akolybelnikov profile image
Andrey Kolybelnikov

Thank you for the encouraging words. It was important for me to express my fears I guess, so that I could start working my way back to confident from there. Found this article useful too: