DEV Community

Avinash Maurya
Avinash Maurya

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Why use GraphQL

GraphQL is a powerful and flexible technology that addresses several challenges associated with traditional REST APIs.

Why use GraphQL:

  1. Efficient Data Retrieval:
  • One of the main reasons to use GraphQL is its ability to allow clients to request only the specific data they need. In traditional REST APIs, clients often receive more data than necessary (over-fetching), or they may need to make multiple requests to different endpoints to gather all the required data (under-fetching). GraphQL eliminates these issues by enabling clients to define the structure of the response.
  1. Reduced Number of Requests:
  • GraphQL allows clients to send a single query to the server to retrieve all the needed data. This batching of queries in a single request reduces the number of network requests, improving efficiency and reducing latency.
  1. Flexibility and Versioning:
  • GraphQL's schema-based approach provides flexibility in evolving APIs over time without breaking existing clients. When adding new features or fields, clients can adapt by requesting the additional data they need, and older clients can continue to function without modification.
  1. Real-time Updates:
  • GraphQL supports real-time updates through subscriptions. Clients can subscribe to specific events, and the server pushes updates to the clients when relevant data changes. This is particularly useful for applications requiring live feeds, such as messaging apps or collaborative tools.

Use Case Example:

Consider a social media platform where users can post messages, and each message has information about the author, timestamp, and likes. In a traditional REST API, retrieving a user's posts along with the details of each post might involve multiple requests to different endpoints, resulting in over-fetching or under-fetching of data.

REST API Approach:

  • Request 1: Retrieve user's posts

 GET /api/users/{userId}/posts

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  • Request 2 (for each post): Retrieve post details

 GET /api/posts/{postId}

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This approach can lead to inefficiencies, especially if the client only needs specific information about each post, or if it wants to fetch posts along with the author's details in a single request.

GraphQL Approach:

The GraphQL query for the same scenario could be:

query {

 user(id: "123") {


  posts {





   author {







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In this single query, the client specifies the exact structure of the response it needs, including nested data about posts and their authors. The server processes this query and responds with precisely the requested data. This not only reduces the number of requests but also ensures that the client receives only the necessary information.

In summary, GraphQL simplifies data retrieval, reduces the number of network requests, offers flexibility in evolving APIs, and supports real-time updates.

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