Team Declaration
Team Name - code360
Name | Student ID Number | Github Handle | |
Team Leader | Yasith Samaradiwakara | 19020742 | @yasithsam |
Member 1 | Nethmi Rodrigo | 19001462 | @nethmirodrigo |
Member 2 | Nisan Abeywickrama | 19000032 | @lordreigns |
Member 3 | Isuru harischandra | 19020333 | @isuruvihan |
Member 4 | Akila Maithripala | 19020432 | @akilamaithri |
What we are building
Every day, hundreds of waste materials are piling up in Sri Lankan households. Some burn them (causing major environmental damage) and some leave them as it is. But this issue can be resolved with the collaboration of waste producers and recyclers. Also, there are many individuals who are willing to reuse the items used by others, if it's in reasonable condition. We are building a platform to bringthese 3 separated partiess together, enabling a buy and sell method of waste items. Good for the environment and products gets reused; its win, win!
How we built it
[Initial Update - 22nd of October]
Honouring the cultural practices, our first task was to create a WhatsApp group. After dividing our work individually, we designed the system architecture the database. Used firebase to design the database. We will be finishing the design language conflicts and starting budling the UI tomorrow. All agreed to choose the 80's retro theme as our design language.
[Update 2 - 23rd of October]
After getting some inspiration from (rare to find) 80s retro themes, we finished the UI of user login and new user registration pages. Then configured them using node js. Also added firebase authentication for user login. We will be finalising the landing page tomorrow.
[Update 3 - 24th of October]
Designed the landing page UI components such as the navigation menu, footer, posts for latest post updates. As we agreed before, partitioned the landing page into three sections. Middle section serves as a news feed, showing the advertisements posted by users about the reusable and recyclable items in their households, and advertisements posted by recycling agents about collecting dates and times of goods. Left section shows the categories of Reusable products and right section shows those of Recyclable products so the users can easily navigate to the section they want.
[Update 3 - 25th of October]
Change of plans. After implementing the above 3-part landing page, we understood that it could be problematic for new users. So now we are going for 2 sides landing page. Added facilities to add post and events. Added Registration authentication.
[Final Update]
Added backend functionalities to filter and view ads. Added functionalities to appear posted ads in your ads and search facilities to the back end too. We think we a short in time to connect them to the frontend. So, we'll leave it there and work on the styling.
At the end, we are happy and proud of our final outcome. We did this project in the middle of 8-5 lectures, so there were some time management problems here and there. But we created almost everything we thought of doing on 22nd. Also, now we know our barriers, learned new things, shared new things, and we are more capable as a group than before. We are thinking of developing this as our side project when the competition is over, so we can get it into a commercial quality little by little.
Features we want in the long run are,
- To make users enable to response to an event happening in their area.
- Users getting notified if there's an event happening in their area.
- Event publishers can get the details (eg:location) of the users who are willing to contribute to their event.
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