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akhil mittal
akhil mittal

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Most Commonly Used AWS Services

1. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Practical Use Case: EC2 provides scalable virtual machines (instances) for any kind of workload, from web hosting to computational jobs. You can create highly available applications by distributing instances across multiple availability zones and scaling them as needed.
Example: Hosting a web application with autoscaling and load balancing to handle varying traffic patterns.

2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Practical Use Case: S3 is used for storing files, backups, and static content. It’s ideal for hosting static websites, storing logs, and as a backup storage solution. S3 integrates with CloudFront for CDN and Glacier for archival purposes.
Example: Storing static website assets (HTML, CSS, JS) in S3 and distributing them using CloudFront for global access.

3. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

Practical Use Case: RDS allows you to run managed relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. It automates database backups, scaling, and patching. Use RDS for transactional systems, analytics, and applications that need structured data storage.
Example: Hosting a MySQL or PostgreSQL database for an ecommerce website.

4. Amazon Lambda

Practical Use Case: Lambda is a serverless computing service for running code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers. It is often used for backend processes, such as image processing, log file processing, or event-driven architecture.
Example: Trigger a Lambda function when an image is uploaded to S3 to generate thumbnails automatically.

5. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

Practical Use Case: VPC allows you to provision an isolated network within AWS, complete with subnets, route tables, and gateways. It's used to create secure and customizable network environments for hosting sensitive applications.
Example: Setting up a multi-tier application with private subnets for databases and public subnets for web servers.

6. Amazon CloudFront

Practical Use Case: CloudFront is a CDN service used to distribute static and dynamic content globally with low latency. It caches content close to users and can be integrated with services like S3 for website acceleration.
Example: Speeding up delivery of your website's assets by using CloudFront to cache content from S3 in edge locations.

7. Amazon DynamoDB

Practical Use Case: DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database. It's ideal for applications requiring high throughput and low latency, such as gaming leaderboards, real-time applications, and mobile backends.
Example: Creating a real-time leaderboard for an online game with high read/write demands.

8. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service)

Practical Use Case: SNS is used for sending notifications via SMS, email, or mobile push notifications. It’s commonly integrated with CloudWatch to send alerts when certain thresholds are crossed in your infrastructure.
Example: Sending an email or SMS alert to administrators when an EC2 instance’s CPU utilization exceeds 80%.

9. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

Practical Use Case: SQS is used to decouple and manage distributed systems by queuing messages between services. It's ideal for managing asynchronous task queues or integrating microservices.
Example: Using SQS as a message broker between a frontend application and backend microservices to process customer orders asynchronously.

10. Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Practical Use Case: EKS is used for running Kubernetes workloads at scale. It simplifies the deployment of containerized applications using Kubernetes and manages scaling, patching, and control plane operations.
Example: Running a microservices architecture with multiple containers for different services, such as authentication, payment, and order processing.

11. AWS CloudFormation

Practical Use Case: CloudFormation provides infrastructure as code (IaC) capabilities by allowing you to define AWS resources in templates. It's used to provision complex AWS environments repeatedly and consistently.
Example: Automating the deployment of a multi-tier web application (with EC2, RDS, and S3) through a CloudFormation template.

12. Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Practical Use Case: Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment of applications by automatically managing the underlying infrastructure (like EC2, load balancing, scaling, and monitoring). Ideal for developers who want to focus on writing code.
Example: Quickly deploying a web application (in Node.js, Python, or Ruby) and letting Elastic Beanstalk manage scaling, patching, and monitoring.

13. AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Practical Use Case: IAM manages access to AWS resources by defining who (users, groups, roles) can do what (permissions) with specific services. It's used to enforce least-privilege access and secure environments.
Example: Creating roles for EC2 instances to access S3 buckets without exposing credentials directly in the instances.

14. AWS Route 53

Practical Use Case: Route 53 is a scalable DNS service. It routes end-user requests to appropriate endpoints and supports health checks for failover routing.
Example: Hosting a domain’s DNS records and routing traffic to a CloudFront distribution for a global website.

15. Amazon EFS (Elastic File System)

Practical Use Case: EFS is used for scalable, shared file storage. It allows multiple EC2 instances to access the same file system simultaneously. It's ideal for workloads requiring shared access to file storage, such as CMS platforms or big data applications.
Example: Providing shared file storage for a group of EC2 instances running a content management system (CMS) like WordPress.

16. AWS Glue

Practical Use Case: Glue is a fully managed ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service for preparing and transforming data. It's ideal for analytics pipelines where you need to ingest, clean, and prepare data for further analysis.
Example: Extracting data from S3, transforming it using Apache Spark, and loading it into Amazon Redshift for analytics.

17. Amazon Redshift

Practical Use Case: Redshift is a data warehousing service for large-scale data analysis. It's used for running complex queries on massive datasets and providing business insights in real time.
Example: Creating a data warehouse for a business intelligence application that analyzes customer purchase history to generate reports.

18. AWS CodePipeline

Practical Use Case: CodePipeline automates the build, test, and deploy phases of applications. It’s used in DevOps workflows to ensure continuous delivery and integration (CI/CD).
Example: Automating the deployment of application updates across dev, staging, and production environments.

19. Amazon CloudWatch

Practical Use Case: CloudWatch monitors AWS resources and applications, collecting metrics, setting alarms, and sending notifications based on predefined thresholds.
Example: Setting up alarms to trigger an SNS notification when an EC2 instance’s CPU utilization exceeds a certain limit.

20. AWS Fargate

Practical Use Case: Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers. It allows you to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure. It's useful for microservices architectures where container orchestration is needed.
Example: Deploying a microservice application without managing EC2 instances by using Fargate to run your containers.

21. AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Use Case: Protecting web applications from common web exploits.
Example: Blocking SQL injection attacks and cross-site scripting (XSS) attempts on a public-facing website.

22. AWS Kinesis

Use Case: Real-time data streaming service.
Example: Ingesting, processing, and analyzing real-time data from IoT devices, gaming, or financial applications.

23. Amazon ElastiCache

Use Case: In-memory caching for accelerating database or web application performance.
Example: Using Redis or Memcached to cache frequently accessed data for a high-traffic website.

24. Amazon Aurora

Use Case: MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database service.
Example: Hosting a highly available and scalable relational database for enterprise applications with minimal maintenance.

25. AWS Direct Connect

Use Case: Establishing a dedicated network connection between on-premises data centers and AWS.
Example: Using a low-latency private connection to securely transfer large datasets from on-premises infrastructure to AWS.

26. AWS Systems Manager

Use Case: Centralized management of AWS and on-premises resources.
Example: Automating patch management and software deployment across EC2 instances.

27. Amazon CloudTrail

Use Case: Logging and monitoring AWS API calls and user activity.
Example: Auditing access to AWS resources and tracking changes to infrastructure for compliance.

28. Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Use Case: Orchestration service for Docker containers.
Example: Running and managing microservices or batch processing workloads using Docker containers.

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