DEV Community

Mohamed Ajmal P
Mohamed Ajmal P

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Custom hooks are user-defined functions.

Custom hooks are user-defined functions that allow you to reuse stateful logic between React components. They are a powerful feature of React that can help you write cleaner, more modular code.

Here are a few examples of custom hooks that you might use in a React application:

useForm: This hook allows you to manage the state of a form, including the values of form fields and the validation errors. It can be used to create reusable form components that can be used in multiple places in your application.

useFetch: This hook allows you to fetch data from an API and manage the state of the data, including loading, error, and success states. It can be used to create reusable data fetching components that can be used in multiple places in your application.

useLocalStorage: This hook allows you to save and retrieve data from the browser's local storage. It can be used to persist data between page refreshes or sessions, and it can be used to create components that can be used to save and load data from local storage.

useWindowSize: This hook allows you to detect the size of the browser window and respond to changes in window size. It can be used to create responsive components that adjust their layout or behavior based on the size of the window.

Overall, custom hooks are a powerful feature of React that can help you write cleaner, more modular code. They allow you to extract stateful logic from your components and reuse it in multiple places, making your code easier to read and maintain.

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