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Application Lifecycle in iOS

The application life cycle constitutes the sequence of events that occurs between the launch and termination of application.

Steps involved in device reboot to App launch:

  • When a device reboots no apps will be running except the apps that belongs to OS.
  • When a user touches the app icon on the screen,The SpringBoard launches the app.

SpringBoard is the standard application that manages the iPhone’s home screen.

  • While SpringBoot animates your app's launch screen, your app and necessary shared libraries will be loaded in the memory. Eventually your app begins execution and application delegate receives the notifications.
  • Appdelegate is the application delegate object which inherits from UIResponder and implements the UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
  • Main entry point of the app is UIApplicationDelegate which is a protocol to be implemented in our app to get notified to app launch and user events

Execution stages for a App:

There are mainly Five stages in App lifecycle,

  • Not Running state : The app has not been launched or terminated by the system.
  • Inactive state : The app is entering the foreground state but not receiving events.
  • Active state: The app enters the foreground state and can process event.
  • Background state : In this state, if there is executable code, it will execute and if there is no executable code or the execution is complete, the application will be suspended immediately.
  • Suspended state : The app is in the background(in memory) but is not executing code and if system does not have enough memory, it will terminate the app.

Mapping the App states with Code:

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch. 

    func sceneDidBecomeActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
        // Called when the scene has moved from an inactive state to an active state.
        // Use this method to restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) when the scene was inactive.

    func sceneWillResignActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
        // Called when the scene will move from an active state to an inactive state.
        // This may occur due to temporary interruptions (ex. an incoming phone call).

    func sceneWillEnterForeground(_ scene: UIScene) {
        // Called as the scene transitions from the background to the foreground.
        // Use this method to undo the changes made on entering the background.

    func sceneDidEnterBackground(_ scene: UIScene) {
        // Called as the scene transitions from the foreground to the background.
        // Use this method to save data, release shared resources, and store enough scene-specific state information
        // to restore the scene back to its current state.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Main Run Loop:

  • An app’s main run loop processes all user-related events.
  • App delegate sets up the main run loop at launch time and uses it to process events and handle updates to view-based interfaces.
  • main run loop executes on the app’s main thread
  • main thread is serial thread and this ensures that user-related events are processed serially in the order in which they were received.

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