Today marks the end of my third week at Sparta Coding Club, and what an exciting journey it has been!
Key Concepts Learned Today
Media Query
What is a media query?
Media queries are essential for creating responsive web designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes. They involve using CSS to apply styles based on characteristics such as device type and screen resolution. By utilizing @media rules, developers can craft designs tailored to specific conditions. While media queries were traditionally used for responsive design, recent trends lean towards device-specific styling.
Basic Layout of Instagram Clone
What’s an HTML layout?
An HTML layout serves as a blueprint at the project's outset. The following steps involve planning sections in HTML, arranging tags, and defining styles. This structured approach ensures a systematic and effective development process.
Embed Images on a Web Page
Using the <img>
To embed images on a webpage, the <img>
tag is employed. Developers insert the image URL in the src attribute. This straightforward approach allows for seamless integration of images from external servers or the web directly.
Add Interactivity to the Posts
Slideshow on a Post
Creating a slideshow with CSS and JavaScript enhances the interactivity of the post. The process involves adding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and linking the slider files to the HTML. This enriches the user experience by introducing dynamic elements to the posts.
The Basic Concept of GitHub
GitHub is a pivotal platform for managing source code collaboratively. It operates on the principles of committing changes, pushing them to the remote repository, and utilizing repositories as storage. GitHub simplifies code sharing and collaboration among developers.
Commit and Push Code to the Repository
Sharing Your Code with the World
Committing and pushing code to GitHub involves a series of steps. Clear commit messages, preparation for push, and making the repository public are integral. This sharing process facilitates collaboration, showcases work, and provides version control benefits.
GitHub Pages
Creating a GitHub Page transforms your repository into a live webpage. This is beneficial for showcasing projects, collaborating with others, and maintaining version history. GitHub Pages further enhances accessibility and interaction with your code.
In conclusion, my third week at Sparta Coding Club has been an enlightening experience, filled with learning, challenges, and a sense of community. I look forward to the weeks ahead, where I will continue to grow as a coder and contribute to the vibrant coding culture at Sparta.
Happy coding!
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