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How to Create a storage account with high availability

Storage account with high availability.

Creating a highly available Azure Storage account involves configuring settings to ensure data durability and accessibility even in the event of hardware failures or data center outages

Steps to create a storage account with High availability
Step 1
Create a storage account
Note: check previous post on how to create a storage account

Step 2
On your storage account, Go to resource.
go to resource

Step 3
In the storage account, in the Data management section, select the Redundancy blade.

Step 4
Ensure Read-access Geo-redundant storage is selected.
Geo redundance

Step 5
Go to your storage account, in the Settings section, select the Configuration blade.

Step 6
Ensure the Allow blob anonymous access setting is Enabled and save

By carefully selecting the appropriate replication options, configuring networking settings, and enabling data protection features, you can create a highly available Azure Storage account. This ensures your data remains durable, accessible, and secure, providing robust support for your applications even in the face of hardware failures or regional outages.

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