I'd like to share some interesting things of using the Docker command.
The environment which I have to list at below:
macOS Big Sur Version 11.3.1 with multiple accounts
Homebrew 3.1.8
docker client v20.10.6
- Ubuntu 20.04 and which was installed the latest version of docker client and docker daemon
In my local environment, macOS Big Sur Version 11.3.1
. We do not need to install Docker desktop for mac on it, only docker client
is enough for me.
Why I do not like install docker daemon on my local machine?
The Docker desktop for mac installs docker client
, docker daemon
and a Kubernetes cluster feature on my macOS. I have a situation when I use my old mac(2014) with 8GB memory, these components account too much resource, and several active containers and Goland IDE will make my old mac slow.
So, I'd like to only install docker client
on my machine and connect to remote docker daemon
to manage containers.
Install Homebrew anywhere
And for my situation, I'd like to use the standard user who without extra privilege permission.
The issue someone may interest in below:
And we can install Homebrew without privilege with this script:
mkdir homebrew && curl -L https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/tarball/master | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew
And do not forget to add the PATH
of Homebrew to the ~/.zshrc
file if you use the oh-my-zsh
like me.
Add the environments and PATH of Homebrew into the ~/.zshrc
# $PATH for brew without root privileged
And the source ~/.zshrc
without restarting your terminal, that brew
can be using as the standard user.
Install docker client with Homebrew
We can use the command brew search docker
to get information for docker on brew
➜ ~ brew search docker
==> Formulae
docker ✔ docker-credential-helper-ecr docker-machine-driver-vmware docker-squash
docker-clean docker-gen docker-machine-driver-vultr docker-swarm
docker-completion docker-ls docker-machine-driver-xhyve docker2aci
docker-compose docker-machine docker-machine-nfs dockerize
docker-compose-completion docker-machine-completion docker-machine-parallels lazydocker
docker-credential-helper docker-machine-driver-hyperkit docker-slim
==> Casks
docker docker-toolbox homebrew/cask-versions/docker-edge
➜ ~
And we can install docker client
by using brew install docker
➜ ~ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.6
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.16.3
Git commit: 370c289
Built: Mon Apr 12 14:44:32 2021
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
Creating docker context
More information about docker context
As the document said:
A single Docker CLI can have multiple contexts and each context contains all of the endpoint and security information required to manage a different cluster or node. The docker context
command makes it easy to configure these contexts and switch between them.
➜ ~ docker context ls
default * Current DOCKER_HOST based configuration unix:///var/run/docker.sock swarm
We can connect to the remote machine(there needs to use ss key
login not the password)
And create the Docker context use the command below:
docker context create example-name --docker "host=ssh://username@host:port"
Always include the user name in the Docker endpoint address, even if it is the same as the local user name. If you omit the port, it defaults to 22.
Change the Docker context we want to use:
docker context use example-name
# Check the images on the remote machine
docker images
We can use docker context
command to connect to the remote Docker daemon was installed on GNU-Linux or other OS. This can
help us to use any remote Docker daemon we want to use. And do not need to install Docker daemon in local environment.
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