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Bun is breaking other package managers

A new javascript runtime is the central thing on the internet and I think it's time for new sticker on my laptop I code JS on.

But how is Bun so performant?⚡️

Built from scratch🧑‍🍳

Bun is not built on top of nodejs, rather they have used Zig over Webkit (for Safari) and internally optimised for performance by getting into the basics.

Caching and linking internally📁

Once installed, packages are needed to be called in node_modules and for that they have dedicatedly taken OS in consideration. While in linux syscalls help make internal calls faster, in macOS that is not available, hence they copy all the files that costs memory.

The APIs✍️

The APIs are in Native code and not in javasript which not only exposes them to machine level code but also gives them freedom to look into things at a deeper level.

There are many more good things which can be found here:

The guy to follow to get updates is here: (literally the creator tweeting changes incoming)

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