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Felix Garriau for Aikido Security

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How to Close Deals Faster with a Security Assessment Report

In today's crazy competitive business world, startups face a bunch of challenges when it comes to sealing the deal. One of the most significant is building trust with potential leads. Especially around security. Establishing trust with potential customers can be critical for a startup's success.

That’s why we’re launching a new feature to help solve this issue: Security Assessment Reports

When a startup shares a comprehensive security assessment report, they show they mean business when it comes to security. They’ll build trust quickly and speed up closing the deal.

In this blog post, we explore how our reporting feature works. We also look at why startups need to communicate trust from the start and how that leads to winning more business.

What’s in this Security Assessment Report?

Let's face it, trust is all about being open and honest. Aikido’s security assessment report spills the beans! Customers receive information on the startup's security practices, OWASP Top 10 score, and vulnerabilities. They can even learn how fast the startup handles risks. The willingness to share this info enables startups to prove they're dead serious about keeping everyone's data safe and sound.

Tailored Approval Flow

Not everything needs to be an open book, right? That’s why our security assessment report lets startups customize exactly which information they’d like to share. This way you’re able to share only what the right leads really need. It's like offering a sneak peek without giving away the whole shebang. Startups keep control over sensitive info. Meanwhile, they give leads the reassurance needed to move forward.

Easily decide which information you’re comfortable sharing

Unbiased Standards & Best Practices

Our security assessment report follows top-notch standards and best practices. Consequently, this boosts the startup's credibility and professionalism.

ISO 27001:2022

ISO/IEC 27001 is an international information security management system standard. It provides a list of compliance requirements against which organizations and professionals can be certified. Additionally, it helps organizations establish, implement, maintain, and improve an information security management system (ISMS). Aikido analyzes all items related to code & cloud security & automates monitoring.


SOC 2, aka Service Organization Control Type 2, is a cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The primary purpose of SOC 2 is to ensure that third-party service providers store and process client data in a secure manner. Just like for ISO 27001, Aikido analyzes all items related to code & cloud security & automates monitoring for you.

OWASP Top 10

OWASP Top 10 is globally recognized by developers as the first step towards more secure coding. It’s a listing of the most important security risks web applications face. When you fix the security issues in the OWASP Top 10 list then you can be assured you’ve dramatically improved your application’s security. Moreover, Aikido gives you an instant view of which OWASP Top 10 security issues you need to solve.

OWASP Top 10: The most critical security risks to web applications

Aikidosec Benchmark

At Aikido we’ve built our own Aikidosec benchmark, which scores your environment compared to other Aikido users. In your security assessment report, you’re free to share this benchmark with your customers to show them you’re among the top X% security performant startups.

“Secured with Aikido” - A Badge of Trust

We've added an exciting bonus feature. To help our users show their commitment to security, we’ve created a special badge for your website. The badge makes it easy for customers to request a security assessment report with just a few clicks. The badge serves as an external, unbiased validation, providing assurance to your customers that you are implementing security measures.

"Secured with Aikido" badge enables your customers to request a security assessment report directly from your website.
Select the style that matches your site & get a code snippet in a few clicks

Getting Ahead of the Competition

In a crowded marketplace, standing out from the crowd is essential. We believe the security assessment report gives startups a competitive edge by showcasing their commitment to security. How can startups position themselves as trustworthy partners of choice? Our advice is to address concerns in advance through a robust, proactive and transparent approach to data protection.

Closing Deals Faster and Growing Revenue

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Startups want to close deals ASAP. Additionally, they want to grow their revenue. Security assessment reports help build trust and credibility allowing startups to speed up their sales cycle. This means less time wasted, fewer resources spent, and more contracts signed.

Try it out now by requesting Aikido’s own security assessment report.

Want a report for your startup?
Go into the app and generate your own report.

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