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Discussion on: Sentiment analysis on Trump's tweets using Python 🐍

aidilarazak profile image
Aidila Razak

Hi! Thanks for the tutorial.

I noticed that tweets containing RTs are not printed in full. How do I get the full RT text?

I am able to un-trunctate a tweet using this:

if tweet['truncated']:
tweet_text = tweet['extended_tweet']['full_text']
tweet_text = tweet['text']

but it won't work for tweets containing RTs.

Anyone know how I can get the full RTs?

I would need it to get an accurate sentiment analysis.

Many thanks for the help!

rodolfoferro profile image
Rodolfo Ferro • Edited


One possible approach would be adding the tweet_mode parameter as follows:

tweets = extractor.user_timeline(screen_name="realDonaldTrump", count=200, tweet_mode="extended")

Let me know if that does the trick. :)