Hello there!
I've been collecting different interesting challenges that could be implemented for practice in ReactJS. The list is big and is growing whenever I encounter an interesting piece of UI or functionality.
Initially, I planned to come up with a course with video materials, where I would show an end result and explain how to do it in ReactJS. However, I figured out it is not that simple to create a video course. So, I decided to come up with a list of curated challenges, which will cover important topics in ReactJS and guide with relevant hints(but not provide implementation itself). That turned out into 7 challenges and 18 pages PDF.
So, I am presenting you "7 React Challenges you can build Today" PDF. Feel free to grab it on my website and leave me feedback.
I might still come up with a full-blown course, which will present 20+ ReactJS challenges with the guidance on implementation, so stay tuned for further updates.
That's it from me. Thanks for your attention.
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