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Ahmed Magdy
Ahmed Magdy

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Become a Better programmer by Detaching Your Emotions from work


I wanna share and discuss something with all my Dev colleagues. In the Last few months about I felt like I have lost most interest for programming in general and this has lead to me becoming Lazy even though I am not a lazy person at all. I tried multiple stuff. but nothing worked. In my mind I knew that I was good programmer. I can't simply leave something I am good at and make good money from It to go work at something I am not good at and pays less money.

Me saying this doesn't mean to just drop your dreams and stick to becoming programmer ..etc. Fast forward to the future I am trying something new which is working for me perfectly which is Detaching my emotions away from programming. meaning I don't have to like it to do it and let me tell you this is the most correct way to get things done.

But what leads to losing interest in the first place?

In some experiment some scientist gathered around bunch of kids who
liked to draw with out giving them any rewards then they started giving them rewards for painting and drawing as soon as they stopped giving them these rewards all of the kids have lost interest in drawing.

So if you apply this scenario on fresh grads who are very passionate about programming.. You will find that the reward mentioned here is The Salary and after sometime the salary just doesn't feel the same anymore because baseline of dopamine is elevated. You can check Dr. Andrew Huberman on Youtube he has some great videos on how dopamine affect you.


If you have lost some interest like me in programming try not doing it for fun for a while and just do it regradless of how you feel and this can just work around for anything in life.

Top comments (2)

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

I like your article but your title not so much.
If you want to be happy you need to be in sync with your emotions, not detached from it.
What I think you actually mean is that you want to understand your emotions, without always acting on them, which indeed is a good thing.

ahmedmagdy11 profile image
Ahmed Magdy

Thanks for leaving a comment exactly feeling your emotions is a thing and acting based on them is another thing.. I am also not saying to grind and burn out in process.