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Fixed VS Growth Mind Sets

So what is that...
If you are a lazy reader then this image summarizes the whole topic

5f6d8ebab07a96ab7f5feebf_Growth vs Fixed Mindset Infographic


You are not a lazy reader !!!

Ok, Then let us begin.

People often think that people are born with a fixed set of talents that defines them and how are they going to do in life.

For example if you find a very talented football player not actually knowing the number of hours he put into training to hone his style.

The first one to actually research this topic is Psychologist Carol Dweck, from Stanford University.

She described the two main ways people think about intelligence or ability as having either:

  • A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that their intelligence is fixed and static.

  • A growth mindset: in this mindset, people believe that intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and learning.

Or in her words...

fixed mindset people believe that “they have a certain amount [of intelligence] and that's that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb”.


growth mindset, “students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching, and persistence.”

I believe that any thing can be achieved through effort.
Some people have more affinities in certain fields that others
and that makes them faster at exploring the field.

But only through effort that you can achieve any thing.

What do you think your mindset is??


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