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Ahmed Onour
Ahmed Onour

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how is the blockchain Will revolutionize the world


I have studied some researches and summarize some of them and i want to share with you the main points.

1. The first research:

The first research discusses the potential for using blockchain technology to facilitate healthcare data sharing in a private and auditable manner, while addressing privacy and security concerns. The authors propose a blockchain-based system architecture design and highlight the potential benefits of maintaining pseudonymity, data integrity, and providing auditing capabilities.

2. Second research:

The second Research proposes a framework for data storage and sharing in decentralized storage systems using attribute-based encryption and combining the InterPlanetary File System with the Ethereum blockchain. The proposed framework allows data owners to encrypt shared data with access policies and includes a keyword search function implemented using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

3. Third Research:

The third Research describes a proposed framework for using artificial intelligence technologies to manage and operate mobile networks automatically, with the aim of overcoming data barriers between different mobile network operators. The authors propose a mutual trust data sharing framework based on blockchain technology and Hyperledger Fabric, which combines supervision and fine-grained data access control using smart contracts to provide a secure environment for data sharing.

The Conclusion

The conclusion of these three research studies is that blockchain technology has the potential to facilitate healthcare data sharing in a private and auditable manner, provide a framework for data storage and sharing in decentralized storage systems, and enable the use of artificial intelligence technologies to manage and operate mobile networks through mutual trust data sharing frameworks. All three studies emphasize the importance of addressing privacy and security concerns, and propose various approaches for maintaining pseudonymity, data integrity, and auditing capabilities. Overall, these research studies suggest that blockchain technology can be a useful tool for addressing data sharing challenges in various contexts, particularly in the fields of healthcare and mobile networks.

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